Paintings and drawings
Hats off first to all photographers
who have been able to reveal the spark of a look
the sweetness of a smile and love always
This painting, anonymous and after photo, exists in Toulouse in several versions and sizes,
at the Capuchin Couvent, Carmes Couvent and Saint-Joseph's Parish.
Portrait by Gilbert de Séverac 1895.
Portrait by Gilbert de Séverac 1895.
From the spanish painter LA PENA (1888-1961) at the Basque Museum in Bayonne.
Unsigned portrait, property of the Sanctuaries of Lourdes.
Drawing by André Millet illustrating "Toulouse Glane et Souvenirs" Eché Editeur 1982.
Painting by J.E. Galey offered to P. Marie-Ernest de Beaulieu, biographer of Father Marie-Antoine,
for is golden wedding anniversary in 1929.
From painter C. Crepy to Poor Clares Couvent in Toulouse.
This life-size painting has a history: during the last war, the part of the city near the Montaudran airfield was bombed,
and in particular the Poor Clares Couvent which was already there. It was completely destroyed except for one wall,
where was hung this painting, which, too, was already there.
From painter C. Crepy to Poor Clares Couvent in Toulouse.
This life-size painting has a history: during the last war, the part of the city near the Montaudran airfield was bombed,
and in particular the Poor Clares Couvent which was already there. It was completely destroyed except for one wall,
where was hung this painting, which, too, was already there.
Engraving by A. Lanes
A part of canvas at the Capuchin Couvent in Paris.
Watercolor by Fr. François, Franciscain of the Renewal, 2018
Fresco by the painter Jean Ningres in the church of Saint Antoine de Cognac, above the main-altar (1927)
Behind the kneeling St-Anthony of Padua, Fr.Marie-Antoine and the Br. F. Ruffin surronded bythe miraculous blind mother of the Father, and her three children.
Icon (détail) by Paolo Orlando, Italian iconographer italien, 2014.
At the General Curia of the Capuchins in Rome (Saints, Blesseds and Venerables of the Order)
Anonymous portrait of Father Marie-Antoine at age 57 during the Pilgrimage to Holy Land in 1882
Published in "L'Homme Nouveau" of February 15, 2014
Icon of François Monvoisin
Drawing of P. F. Rouzaud, 1907
Oil painting by Marie Jeanne Rouzaud d'Alcers, 1908
at the Small Museum of Father Marie-Antoine, Toulouse
Category : General menu - Father Marie-Antoine seen by artists
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